Hidden sodium that is in the composition of substances other than salt.

Which makes some foods high in sodium tasteless, causing the body to consume it without realizing it.
Additives to Salt
Natural salt already contains a variety of chemicals. When it is process into table salt. It may also contain additives.
One of the most common additives is iodine in the form of potassium iodide, sodium iodide, or sodium iodate. Iodized salt may also contain dextrose (a sugar) to stabilize the iodine. Iodine deficiency is consider the biggest preventable cause of https://ufabet999.app intellectual disability, once known as mental retardation. Salt is iodize to help prevent cretinism in children as well as hypothyroidism and goiter in adults. In some countries, iodine is routinely added to salt (iodized salt) and products. That do not contain this additive may labele “uniodized salt.” Uniodized salt has not had any chemicals removed from it; rather. This means supplemental iodine has not add.
Therefore, it is important to be familiar with this hidden sodium.
1. Sodium nitrite makes the texture soft. Popular products used include ham, sausage, Chinese sausage, fermented pork, and various dried fish.
2. Sodium alginate (helps stabilize)
3. Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
4. Sodium bicarbonate (baking powder)
5. Sodium benzoate (preservative)
6. Sodium sorbate (preservative in cheese)
But that doesn’t mean we can’t eat sodium at all. The hidden sodium above is to provide knowledge for those who are at risk of high blood pressure or those who don’t want to be at risk, not to accidentally eat too much and don’t forget to exercise regularly.