Let’s learn about cheese.
Everyone loves cheese. Many dishes are even more delicious when add. However, cheese is often accused of being the cause of obesity. Let’s learn a little more to see if we really know correctly.
Let’s get to know cheese.
Cheese is an ancient food that has been around for thousands of years. There is a story that was created by accident when a traveling vendor went on a long journey carrying milk in a bag made from an animal’s stomach (to hold the liquid). When he sat down to drink some milk on the side of the road, it turned into curds because some beneficial microorganisms in the animal’s stomach caused the milk to precipitate into curds, becoming semi-soft and semi-hard, and still edible without any rotten smell. Since then, humans have discovered a new type of food called “cheese”.
Cheese made sediment whole milk into a solid.
The main component of cheese is protein, unlike butter. Which is made from milk fat, so fat is the main component. In short, if we eat (real) we will get protein, but if we eat butter, we will get fat.
All types of animal milk can be used to produce, such as cow’s milk, buffalo milk, goat’s milk, sheep’s milk, camel’s milk, yak’s milk, etc. However, the milk of each type of animal will give a different smell and creaminess depending on the composition of that type of milk, for example, buffalo milk is low in fat, goat milk is high in nutrients but has a unique smell from goat, etc.
How to distinguish between real cheese and processed
Greenery had the opportunity to talk with an expert in cheese production, Ms. Ueangploy Jailangka, Head of the Dairy Product Group, Livestock Industry Development Center, Department of Livestock Development. The interesting knowledge gained was that can categorize in many ways, such as by the type of milk that is the raw material, or by the texture of the . But here, to make it easy for consumers to understand, we will categorize base on the production process, including:
Real cheese is made by sedimenting animal milk obtain only milk protein.
Without any other ingredients (except for a ufabet https://ufabet999.app little salt and microorganisms that cause milk to sediment). It is divide into 2 types: fresh, such as mozzarella and ricotta. This group of cheeses has a flexible, soft texture, high moisture content, and a shelf life of no more than 7 days. And aged cheese. Which is made by storing fresh has a hard, dry texture and a long shelf life. The longer it is stored, the better the taste. The taste depends on the microorganisms used for fermentation, which makes the taste different.
Processed cheese isthat is made by mixing some real with other ingredients such as fat, stabilizers (emulsifiers) or other additives. This type is mostly made from cheddar because it has a mild flavor. When other ingredients are add. It still has a distinct candy, etc.
In the process, there will always edges
That cannot sold as a block. These cheeses will reprocess through the process of combining with other ingredients, such as stabilizers to bind. The disadvantage is that some nutrients lost during processing. Resulting in less nutrients and other ingredients as a bonus.
If you are a cheese lover, real is definitely a better choice.
However, cheese is not part of the original food culture of Thai people. There are still some limitations in the way Thais eat. Therefore, it all depends on our choice. The best way to choose is to always read the nutritional label. Look at what type the product. What the ingredients use in its production. It is always good to know a little bit about everything we eat.